Companies need a better way of ensuring that knowledge which is critical to their businesses is passed down from current experts to the next generation. It is their experience and insights that enable future success so it makes sense to devote care and attention to their proper management.
11% of employees' time is spent unnecessarily searching for or reproducing information
50% of organizations struggle with knowledge sharing issues
14% of companies report that knowledge management tools are at the bottom of their list of preferred information-sharing tools
80% of managers are satisfied with the state of knowledge management tools they have; among other employees, the rate is only 28%.
Engagy Knowledge is a solution that can recognize context, concepts, and meaning to help keep your knowledge systematized and easy to access at all time.
Importantly, it also reduces the time spent searching for necessary information and introducing helpful virtual assistants.
And as a bonus - it is really simple to add new content to the database and keep it up to date with automatic knowledge-building mechanisms.
All of this makes the onboarding process significantly easier and provides a solid basis for independent problem-solving.
Keep your employees engaged and motivated to share and seek new knowledge with gamification functionalities
Build and curate a community of experts within your company using Yammer
Secure a continuous supply of good quality information with registry functions
Analyze how your employees behave and optimize your strategy for maximum success with the analytics module.
Introduce effective systems for information organization with knowledge base functions
Make sure your content is seen and recognized with push notifications and features supporting communication visibility
Nail your employee's needs and address them in real-time with an intuitive feedbacking system
Enrich existing knowledge using AI mechanisms with automation workflows
Engagy Knowledge is based on SharePoint and enriched with mechanisms that facilitate the delivery of knowledge. You get access to a log of article requests, and proposals for articles, and you can manage them with a structured editorial process. With AI-driven BOTs you can curate your content.
Ready to create an efficient knowledge management strategy for your company?